Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back to School

Well, I've finished the 23 things and I did a week with Capturing Kid's Hearts and my mom stayed with me for a month. Can you say, "Glad to be back at school!"? Summer always comes and goes so fast and I'm always sure I'm going to get a million things done... and I probably do... just not the million things I wanted to get done. Such is life. Since graduating, I have ventured forth to create my own version of wordles in Word using Word Art. It's been fun. I just finished the Social Contract for our Intervention Team at School. (Social Contracts are part of Capturing Kid's Hearts in case you haven't been there.) Loved that program as well. If you get asked if you would like some Flippen training. Say YES! Not only do I think it will be great with the students, but the relationships we built with the teachers that were from our district was awesome. We came to know each other much better and in building that relationship, we created a much greater bond. Of course, that's what it is all about so... Guess it worked! I start seeing students on Monday. Took awhile to get them all placed into the right class on the check out system and to get them all made library cards... but they have them now and we are ready to start.

I am planning on doing a short lesson with the 3rd & 4th grade and going ahead to let them check out. K-2 however will have to get the longer version of library procedures and how to treat books. Also I plan to do a general social contract with all the classes to see if I can find one we will all sign. I don't have room to set up a social contract with each of the classes individually so I'm hoping I can get them all to buy in this way. I think it will work. I just discovered VoiceThread and I think I have another new love. I'll have to play with it a little more but this may be a perfect way to get my students to help the library advertise all its great treasures.

Well, my husband is building me a huge closet and he needs my help on the ceiling so I'll sign off for now and let you know later how things are going in the library.

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